
small treats of the day

these are my small treats of the day~!

i am actually a coffee lover, but i control myself not to drink ! because mostly i might get one or two acne after drinking coffee. and cannot fall asleep if i drink coffee before going to bed. ( but i am reisistive to Chinese tea, so no prob for me to drink a lot of tea ). I used to drink Mocha , and then found that it's too sweet for me...so i keep drink latte for a period of time.... and now , i just like caramel. However, i still drink as less coffee as i can.

and this organic dark chocolate , it acutally has 177 calories and fat is 105 .....ar even it's my treat of the day, i didnt finish the whole pad ar.... will not be too fat gwa??

i am now leaving office~!

5 則留言:

Towards healthy and leisure life~! 說...

haha... I'm the same as you, no problem with chinese tea but I can't sleep with coffee...

BlingBling 說...

hahaa.....i can't live without chinese tea! already addicted to it!

梁巔巔 說...


"徐志摩為愛陸小曼寫了【愛眉小札】﹐我為我的愛美﹐寫了【愛美小札】。 不要笑我啊~~!!"

Heeee heeeee.... (在笑中), 但, 呢幾句幾正! :)

另, 最近我鍾意飲 Lippton 茶包, 好醒神, 令頭腦好靈活!

wini 說...

haha same here!
try to drink as less coffee as i can, n try to stop eating 1-2 pieces of chocolate per day

BlingBling 說...

to 梁巔巔﹐

哈哈﹐ thanks~!
when have chance, should try try Lippton

to wini,

haha, so we have the same habit~!


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