

拍攝@ Kamandalu resort & Spa, hotel clubhouse, Bali

看TVB 的電視劇《桌球天王》﹐很好笑﹐ 什麼倚天cue屠龍cue﹐ 我覺得很搞笑﹐ 但這套劇引不起我追看的興趣。

說真的﹐到底香港玩snooker的有多少人呢? 小時候﹐我總是覺得玩snooker的人很型﹐ 哈哈﹐ 很幼稚~!

Snooker 一般指英式桌球, 我的相片裡面﹐到底是英式的﹐還是美式的呢?

拍攝@ Kamandalu resort & Spa, hotel clubhouse, Bali

答案是: 美式的! 再看一看﹐球印有號碼的
(注: pool 一般指美式桌球, 球的 size 比英式桌球大, 且印有號碼, cue 比英式桌球粗, 但枱比英式桌球細 fr: yahoo knowledge)

我覺得﹐如果常常玩這種美式桌球﹐ 一定比打tennis 更容易有tennis elbow, 因為那支cue, 真的很重!!

10 則留言:

梁巔巔 說...

哈, 妳 Darling 玩桌球嘅哩!

女人打桌球, 無論英式 or 美式, 仲型仲性感!

BlingBling 說...

to leungdindin,

他?? haha..ofcourse not la~~

i hv to confess ar...i dun play ga, but tried it once or twice only...haha..

梁巔巔 說...


LuLu 說...


TheGodSteals 說...

看来你也会打哦。。。 ^^

BlingBling 說...

to leungdindin,

mostly practice yoga la~~
i m not really sportive ga!

BlingBling 說...

to lulu,

yes, it's going to finish the whole series soon lar~~

BlingBling 說...

to thegodsteals,

haha...no ar...i dun really know how to play ga~!

小小法律學生 說...

it must be america pool in your photo, i always play pool when I was in UK, but I am not good at it!

BlingBling 說...

to 小小法律學生,

COOL~~! u must had a lot of fun~~! :)


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