
Organic (posted on 11mar09, replay)

Seems Organic is really a big trend in beauty and fashion industry now. I think it’s because more people are health and environmental conscience now.

I just bought this Organic Rose Otto Mask + Toning mist pad yesterday during my lunch time. I was attracted by it’s packing and price. Cos it’s really cheap.

i like the packaging so much, n just captured this pic~!

It claims made with Certified Organic ingredients. Which you can see the two Australian Certified organizations on the packaging.

More details, just go here to see see~!


I remember I had read an article about Organic Clothes from magazine some days ago. But I forget where I had read it. So here is what I found after a little bit research. Ya~ they are the same things I read( A.T Orgnic cotton series 2009 spring summer ). While Sina has more detailed information about it.

Detailed reading : sina

(pic: sina)
love this tunic bubble dress ~~!

and this organic polo~!
But it’s quite pricy ~! :(



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