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舊文重見天日﹐ 再談斷食 ( Fasting ), 這其實很富宗教色彩﹐ 尤其Muslim﹐他們每個新年前都會齋戒, 不過這不在我想在這裡說的。 很懶﹐ 很忙。 以下是我在2008 年七八月寫的 (在私有化的BLOG中)﹐ 當時的心情和現在的也不一樣。 不過可以的話﹐ 應該久不久來一次Fasting 。

I ended up having dinner alone ………………………………………………………………………………………………


When I had read an article about Fasting in the INmagazine, it actually tells there’re so many benefits of fasting in it. Such as it helps to improve skin condition, helps to release toxins in your body, losing weight etc. What’s more? It actually helps to improve the quality of sleep as detoxification process makes you tired and sleepy. After fasting, your blood circulation enhanced and curing ability will be improved. And it helps to slow down aging as well.

And the idea of fasting come out my mind, I decided to have my first time fasting, not because to lose weight or what. But I do really want to have a brand new me. Cos I had read this quote: ‘ the negative thoughts and memories like hatred, guilty and anger will be washed out of your mind just like toxins relieving your soul from all these negative feelings.’

After I read thru the whole article, it says there’re 5 ways of Fasting. Which are;

1. Half- fast , means eating half of your normal proportion
2. Fruit fast
3. juice fast
4. soup fast
5. water fast.

I guess the level of difficulty comes with the larger the number. And I decided to have a fasting of combination of 2 and 3. But I am not going to drink fruit juice or vegetable juice. But something I can buy easily from supermarket such as milk or soymilk. I wish I can do it for 5 days.

And these will be my meals the coming days. The candies are for my bites when I feel so hungry. They contain glucose which is for instant energy. I will also have Organic Fresh Soymilk no sugar ( it tastes awful, I had drank a cup ) , Wheat Grass Juice ( tastes nice…yum yum~ ) Hi- cal Milk. I wish these drinks will last for 2 – 3 days consume. Of course I will have other fruits or vegetable to eat as well.

( pic copy right belongs to voce magazine, scanned by BlingBling, for leisure and beauty sharing purpose only)

剛剛看到美容雜誌又談斷食。 對於那個瑜珈搭配半斷食好有興趣﹐ 最好有個Long Vocation 再飛去印度進行就好~! 不過我現在afford 不起這種奢侈。

特意剪存﹐ 如果你有興趣﹐Download 落來慢慢研究呀~!



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